Laissez-Faire Là Gì

The problems began long before he became CEO, but they worsened with his laissez-faire approach/attitude.

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If a government is laissez-faire, it does not have sầu many laws and rules that control the buying và selling of goods & services.

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an economic theory or plan in which a government does not have many laws or rules to lớn control the buying and selling of goods và services
the idea that businesses should be không tính phí to lớn develop without the involvement or control of government:
Those who subscribe to lớn absolute laissez-faire economics, or no government regulation, are sometimes referred to lớn as economic anarchists.

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the idea that people should be miễn phí to choose how to lớn vì things, without too much control from someone in authority:
If you choose a laissez-faire management style, you give sầu your staff room khổng lồ make their own decisions.
A laissez-faire approach towards self-help, in consequence, will merely reinforce rather than reduce the existing socioeconomic và gender inequalities.
The original moderation technique is far from being a laissez-faire approach, it is meant khổng lồ keep the discussion under strict control.
The laissez-faire view holds that there is no enforceable duty to mô tả the costs of other people"s bad option luông xã.
When = 0.01, a 5 percent tax increase in the laissez-faire economy finances a subsidy equal lớn 33 percent of the cost of public investment.
However, the contemporary outcome has not been a triumph of laissez-faire but a displacement of collective sầu bargaining in the employment relations field.
Thus, even within cognitive & social psychology, laissez-faire attitudes & a strict enforcement of rules go hand in hand.



