On tiếng anh là gì

used khổng lồ show that something is in a position above something else & touching it, or that something is moving into lớn such a position:

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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của người sử dụng với English Vocabulary in Use trường đoản cú thanglon77.com.

Bạn đang xem: On tiếng anh là gì

Học những trường đoản cú bạn phải tiếp xúc một cách tự tin.

The bells in the cloông xã tower ring every hour on the hour (= at exactly one o"clochồng, two o"clochồng, etc.).

Xem thêm: Sinh Năm 1977 Mệnh Gì? Hợp Màu Gì, Tuổi 1977 Hợp Màu Gì Hợp Màu Gì

Do the police have sầu anything on you (= bởi they have sầu any information about you that can be used against you)?
used khổng lồ show a person or thing that is necessary for something to happen or that is the origin of something:
We don’t normally use at, on or in before time expressions beginning with each, every, next, last, some, this, that, one, any, all: …
inlớn a bus, train, plane, etc., or in the correct position to start using some other method of travelling:
It"s amazing nobody toàn thân was injured because the two buses crashed head on (= the front parts of the buses hit each other).

Xem thêm: Mỗi Tối Trước Khi Đi Ngủ Uống Gì Trước Khi Đi Ngủ Để Giảm Cân 【3

UK It would be easier lớn get the bookcase through the doorway if we turned it sideways on (= turned it so that one of its sides is at the front).
infml Someone who is on is either performing very well or is in a situation where the person must be aware of everything that is happening and be ready khổng lồ act:
su, usato prima di un giorno della setimana o di umãng cầu data per esprimere quanvì accade qualcosa, a…

a đô thị in the US or Canada where illegal immigrants (= people who have sầu moved lớn live sầu in another country when they vì not have the legal right to lớn vị this) are not prosecuted

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