A one-on-one activity involves two people talking directly, usually with one teaching or giving information to lớn the other:

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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của doanh nghiệp với English Vocabulary in Use từ bỏ giớọc những tự bạn cần tiếp xúc một giải pháp tự tín.

If two people discuss something one-on-one, they discuss it directly, without involving anyone else: In sports, if something is done one-on-one, it means that each player from one team is matched to a single player from the other team. At bottom, my data analysis involved a one-on-one confrontation of two variables, both derived from the same data on các buổi tiệc nhỏ positions. The one-on-one interview portion of the study occurred first at each location, & this portion was followed by a group discussion with all four participants. The measurement procedure was a one-on-one interview that allowed a very good indication of whether learning occurred. The young adulthood interviews were conducted via one-on-one interviews either in the subjects" home or at the host institute of the investigators. In the one-on-one case that is our current focus, an injunction is only granted if the plaintiff is right about the law. For breast cancer surgery, this involves counseling patients (preferably one-on-one) on issues such as the management of surgical drains & the optimal use of analgesics. But intelligent tutors can already accrue - và pool - more one-on-one interaction with students than any human tutor can accumulate in a lifetime. We gave parents the task of showing some relatively unfamiliar objects to lớn their children one-on-one, emulating a fairly common occurrence in everyday life. A second issue of flexibility was the idea of private, one-on-one services versus group interventions. He believes his composition is best experienced directly as software, in a one-on-one confrontation between listener và composition with the interface acting as mediator. They also meet the students in a series of one-on-one counselling sessions that foster individual tương tác và learner-counsellor dialogue. These societies should explicitly address career development issues through lectures at meetings và through ongoing, one-on-one mentoring by experienced medical ethicists. For example, telephone follow-up, group, & one-on-one sessions were thought khổng lồ meet the needs of different bereaved parents. Several studies referred to preceptorship models &, although not overtly explained, would imply a one-on-one working relationship between a nurse & a student. A total of 64 minutes of the language data was coded (28 minutes of group discussions & 36 minutes of one-on-one interviews). Các cách nhìn của các ví dụ không diễn đạt ý kiến của các chỉnh sửa viên vuonxavietphái mạ hoặc của giớ University Press hay của những bên cấp phép.

Bạn đang xem: One on one là gì


lớn act or work together for a particular purpose, or to be helpful by doing what someone asks you to lớn do

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