a small folding case for carrying paper money, credit cards và other flat objects, that can be carried in a pocket và is used especially by men:

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Nâng cao vốn trường đoản cú vựng của khách hàng với English Vocabulary in Use từ bỏ thanglon77.com.Học các tự bạn cần giao tiếp một phương pháp tự tin.

a small, folding case for paper money, credit cards (= plastic cards you use khổng lồ buy things), other cards that you want lớn carry with you, & sometimes coins:
This information is made available by plugging a wallet-sized thẻ in the patient"s possession into the physician"s wireless palm-top computer.
I remembered that in the school bag there was my wallet with $100 in it, và all my anatomy textbooks.
With few exceptions, these organisations operate with few financial resources that vì not come from the wallets of their board, officers, members or volunteers.
But before he could make his speech of welcome, they stripped off his suit, taking his watch và wallet into lớn the bargain.
Our message on meat imports is currently advertised on seven million ticket wallets for long-haul destinations.
The consumer can suffer as much from over-regulation & the closed cửa hàng of the establishment getting middle-age spread and over-fat wallets.
The following day the same police constable called and informed the colonel that the wallet had been returned to lớn the ngân hàng.
I am also concerned about the transfer of funds from the purse to lớn the wallet which will occur under the working families tax credit.
If a wallet, made in this country from imported dutiable leather, is exported, drawbaông chồng is allowed so that the duty on the leather is repaid.

Xem thêm: Hồng Cầu Cao Nên Ăn Gì - Chế Độ Ăn Uống Cho Ngước Mắc Bệnh Đa Hồng Cầu

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