Windows update cleanup là gì

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Hi Inez. I"m Greg, an installation speciacác mục & 9 year Windows MVPhường., here khổng lồ help you. There is a new guided walk-through from for repairing Windows Update that leads up khổng lồ resetting components if necessary: https://tư vấ Try running that first.You can also install the Updates manually that fail khổng lồ install which are logged at Settings > Update và Security > Windows Update > Installed Update History, and then tìm kiếm for those khổng lồ download và install from this Catalog: they continue lớn fail & interfere, then you can blochồng them using one of these methods:ồng at Settings > System > About what version you"re running which should be 1803. Another thing you can do vị if you haven"t yet is manually install April Verison 1803 by installing Media Creation Tool và choosing to lớn Upgrade Now. This the most stable method lớn upgrade to the new version (which you need anyway) and will bring you fully up lớn date with reinstalled Windows that often will solve sầu any other problems you have. You can use the same tool khổng lồ download the ISO or create bootable truyền thông media so you only need to vị it once, & have the bootable media for repairs or possible Clean Install.

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If there are any hurdles during the Upgrade see these steps khổng lồ optimize the install as this is evidence it"s corrupted: But remember that a factory or Upgrade install are inferior installs that most enthusiasts would never run in the first place because they"d expect endless issues. Most prefer khổng lồ vày the gold standard Clean install from this liên kết which has had no reported issues: is also an automated Refresh that reinstalls WIndows while shedding corrupting factory bloatware, saves your files, but doesn"t clear the drive to lớn get it cleanest: hope this helps. Feel không tính tiền lớn ask bachồng any questions và let us know how it goes. I"ll keep working with you until this is resolved. ________________________________________________________Standard Disclaimer: There are liên kết to lớn websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly retìm kiếm any hàng hóa advertised on the sites before you decide khổng lồ tải về & install it. _________________Windows MVP 2010-20Millions helped via my tutorials và personally in forums for 12 years. Now an Independent Advisor.I vì chưng not quit for those who are polite & cooperative.