An Account Of Là Gì

an arrangement with a bank khổng lồ keep your money there & to allow you khổng lồ take it out when you need to:

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Học các trường đoản cú bạn phải tiếp xúc một biện pháp tự tin.

An account is also an arrangement with a store or a company that allows you to buy things and pay for them later:
an arrangement with a ngân hàng in which the customer puts in và takes out money & the bank keeps a record of it:
close/open an trương mục When she starts school we"re opening an trương mục in her name and we"ll put money into it each year.
deposit/pay money inkhổng lồ an tài khoản Anna could deposit her savings inkhổng lồ an tài khoản offering more interest.

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joint/separate trương mục It"s better khổng lồ have sầu separate accounts and feed money inkhổng lồ a joint tài khoản for shared bills.
business/personal tài khoản Each month I transfer money from my business tài khoản lớn my personal trương mục.
An trương mục of travel expenses incurred by an employee must be submitted for reimbursement together with receipts.

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an agreement with a company that allows you khổng lồ use the internet và tin nhắn, & gives you space on the mạng internet lớn put your documents:
Some people have a specific service in mind, whether it"s an tài khoản with không lấy phí Web space or the ability to lớn develop an electronic commerce site online.
However, philosophers bởi vì think that our notion of wellbeing permits the rich account of the priority view that they offer.
When planning a mapping, one must take this into lớn account: an instrument is interesting only if it allows the discovery of unknown features.
The author is quiông xã lớn point out, however, that the models reviewed vày not account for all error data.



