Case By Case Là Gì

used khổng lồ describe decisions that are made separately, each according lớn the facts of the particular situation:

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Nâng cao vốn tự vựng của khách hàng với English Vocabulary in Use từ bỏ thanglon77.comle.Học những từ bỏ bạn cần tiếp xúc một bí quyết tự tin.

It often proceeded on a case-by-case basis in which the particular nature of the group"s activity determined its own special legal status and powers. Complete centralisation means that both total costs & marginal costs (case-by-case costs) are met centrally. The first alternative has two disadvantages : it decreases statistical power, & (even with samples this large) is difficult to achieve on a case-by-case basis. In other words, the woman may be choosing the most highly valued immediate alternative on a case-by-case basis. Decisions about the appropriateness of certain liability rules in different spheres of activity, however, need not be made on a case-by-case basis. However, case-by-case consideration acknowledges that academic freedom may, under unusual or extreme circumstances, be justifiably subordinated khổng lồ other fundamental values. However, such case-by-case coordination would make social life a tedious business and probably a dangerous business as well. The net effect of these negative sầu và positive sầu externalities is an empirical question, and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Searches were initially conducted without language restriction; however, foreign language articles were subsequently excluded on a case-by-case basis due khổng lồ time & financial constraints. The process is based on a case-by-case approach, which is contingent to the local context và khổng lồ specific issues. However, before resorting lớn particular explanations on a case-by-case basis, we note some general features that affect all relationships. Các ý kiến của những ví dụ ko mô tả cách nhìn của những chỉnh sửa viên thanglon77.comle hoặc củaế yêu University Press tốt của những nhà trao giấy phép.

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lớn accept that you will reduce your demands or change your opinion in order khổng lồ reach an agreement with someone

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