The pillows consist of chlorite, epidote, albite and sphene, with minor amounts of apatite, quartz and calcite.

Bạn đang xem: Cái gối tiếng anh là gì

They cover practically all clothing, boots, shoes, handkerchiefs, braces, furniture, pillows and mattresses. At the moment we have only 14,000 pillows and less than 20,000 mattresses of the normal type in stock. Sheets and pillows, however, have been placed in the barrack rooms and any soldier who fancies them can use them. Officers and all families have cabins; troops are accommodated in troop decks fitted with folding berths, and they are provided with pillows and blankets. A supply of 300,000 white blankets and 200,000 pillows has been ordered, and approximately 137,000 blankets have been distributed to hospitals. The pillows, woollen blankets and rugs are not flame retardant, but work is in hand to develop and introduce flame retardant versions. Mattresses are still largely confined to the priority classes, but pillows and pillowcases are freely available. There were indications of vandalism, graffiti, damage to equipment; some cells were without mattress covers and others were without pillows. Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên thanglon77.com thanglon77.com hoặc của thanglon77.com University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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